Sketching: a way to learn how to see reality!

From being a student of sketching to figuring out how to teach Pod 6 students. I was myself a terrible artist, absolutely no talent at school. I mean I liked the idea of drawing and sketching and I was in love with the idea of having the ability to create an image purely from myContinue reading “Sketching: a way to learn how to see reality!”

School as an obstacle to overcome

One thing that I’ve been struggling with in my Year 6 students (been with them since Year 4), but there are definitely some older students that fall into the same category, is students that believe that school and the stuff you do at school is just a necessary evil to get through as you growContinue reading “School as an obstacle to overcome”

Bloc Hid

Yeah – you have to read the title with a Scottish accent! The Fiji translation I believe is ulu kau. That is how I feel right now trying to use a web application called ‘Blocs‘ (see what I did there?). So this is a post about learning a new application for the purposes of howContinue reading “Bloc Hid”

Gardening ‘to do’ list

OK 10 weeks in and my own gardening has been V-E-R-Y slow to get off the ground. Ha ha! So the gardening has to get off the ground because I want to do raised flower beds. The pictures on the internet look great. Looks so easy! So with 7 dogs in the compound, I knowContinue reading “Gardening ‘to do’ list”

Drinking Green Coconut and Bike Riding

I learned something – well many things – over the course of the last few weeks. Mainly it has to do with a medical condition one of our family members had to endure resulting in an emergency surgery in the intestines. So now we know what an omentum is. Another is that in post operativeContinue reading “Drinking Green Coconut and Bike Riding”

Musings ECE

Adventures of an ECE teacher


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Zhanna Learning Blog

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